It was an honor to host at B.EST Solutions Baku office an official parliamentary delegation led by the President of the Parliament of the Republic of Estonia (Riigikogu) Jüri Ratas and business delegation led by Estonian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (Liisi Kirschenberg).

We have discussed business climate, presented our activities in Azerbaijan: #MobileID (Asan Imza) technology in cooperation with The Republic of Azerbaijan Ministry of Economy (the State Tax Service under the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan), Digital Trade Hub of Azerbaijan in cooperation with the Center for Analysis of Economic Reforms and Communication, #cyberhygiene project in cooperation with Elektron Hökumətin İnkişafı Mərkəzi / e-Gov Development Center and State Service for Special Communication and Information Security.
We also discussed with the member of the Parliament of Estonia Yoko Alender our activities in the field of #womenintech FEMMES DIGITALES – Public Association: “Supporting Women in TECH”.
Thank you for all the positive emotions our Baku team got from your visit and special thanks to co-organizers: EAS – Enterprise Estonia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Estonia, Riigikogu, Andrei Valentinov and all members of the business delegation!
Thank you for the nice photos by Erik Peinar!